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Avon’s Calling… for Change. Hell Yeah, We Are!

Avon's Calling For ChangeFor 135 years we’ve been creating positive change for women. In the years since Avon was founded, there has been considerable progress in addressing the inequalities that women face. Nonetheless, inequality, discrimination and limiting stereotypes remain widespread. Gender inequality – in health, in education, in political representation, and in economic participation – persists.

Too often, women and girls are not able to achieve their potential and face worse outcomes than men.

We’re calling for that to change.

We’re calling for economic empowerment and freedom to earn; calling for the right to live safe and healthy lives; calling for the best beauty innovation to be accessible to all and not just for the few; calling for changes to beliefs, systems and status quos that limit potential. 

We speak up, we speak out, we include, we support, we invest. We call on ourselves, our community of 5 million Representatives, our customers. We call on our partners. We call on our governments.

We’re still calling, and we won’t stop. Avon’s calling. You better believe it. Join us!