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The Benefits of Vitamin D for Your Body & Skin

2021 is all about Vitamin D! Usually overshadowed by vitamin C, there’s no doubt that vitamin D has some incredible benefits for your skin. Recent studies show that a large majority of the British public have insufficient levels of vitamin D as a result of lack of sun-exposure – we can thank the glorious British weather for that!

Here at Avon, we know that vitamins can be a bit overwhelming… What do you take? When do you take it? Why do you need to take it? So, we’ve put together all the information you need to know about vitamin D and how it can benefit your skin.

What is vitamin D?

In short, unlike water-soluble vitamins, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that your body absorbs any excess vitamin. Vitamin D is mainly produced through diet, however, it’s often referred to as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it’s naturally created by our bodies when our skin is exposed to sunlight.

Benefits of Vitamin D

What are the benefits of vitamin D for skin?

This multi-tasking wonder is an antioxidant that boosts the skin’s immune system and helps to protect skin from free radicals (pollution, UVA & UVB rays… all the nasty things!) that can cause damage and irritation. It also contributes to improving skin cell rejuvenation and prevents fine lines and unwanted wrinkles. To top this marvel off, it’s perfect for any skin type and has even been known to help with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Always Apply SPF

How do you get vitamin D?

When skin is exposed to sunlight, UVB rays transform the cholesterol found in skin cells into vitamin D.

So, sunlight is a great way of obtaining vitamin D, however, it’s important to remember that when exposing your skin to the sun, you should apply a high SPF to prevent skin-damage. For those of us who don’t live in sunny countries, you can easily consume vitamin D or topically apply it by using creams and serums.

When to use vitamin D?

According to dieticians, it’s best to consume or apply vitamin D during the winter months when sun-exposure is minimal. It’s also recommended to take vitamin D with food to enhance absorption and as vitamin D reacts to sun-exposure, it’s a great idea to add it into your morning routine.

Topical VS oral

In short, ‘topical’ means something that you topically apply to your skin, like a cream and ‘oral’ is something that you consume, like a glass of milk. So, which of these is the best way to get some extra vitamin D? The answer is both! Consuming supplements is an easy way of adding vitamin D into your diet and they help to benefit the overall health of your body. Topical products have the benefit of direct application and can also penetrate the skin’s deeper layers. When choosing supplements or beauty products, we recommend that you go for vitamin D3, this is the natural form of vitamin D that your body produces in the sun. If you’re veggie or vegan, keep an eye out for vitamin D2 which derives mainly from plant sources.

It's fair to say that there are a lot of vitamins floating around in the world of beauty but none like vitamin D. A bit of a jack of all trades, it can improve overall skin health, teeth health, bone health and even boost your mood! It’s a win-win.

Want to learn more about the benefits vitamins have on your beauty routine? Check out our Vitamin C blog!