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Top 5 Skincare Myths Debunked

We’ve all got those skincare tales that have been passed along the grapevine – but is there any truth to them and should we ever listen?

In this blog, we look at the top 5 skincare myths we’ve heard over the years and work out whether they’re fact or fiction.

Myth 1: Hot water opens up your pores

Truth: Hot water often makes the outer layers of your skin swell, making it look like your pores have opened. In reality, pores aren’t temperature-sensitive, and you should always wash your face with lukewarm water to avoid your skin drying out or getting damaged.

Myth 2: Toothpaste gets rid of spots

Truth: Just like common blemish treatments, toothpaste contains ingredients like baking soda and alcohol, which work to dry out your skin. However, toothpaste can also irritate your skin, leaving it sore and unhappy – and sometimes even burning! To rid yourself of unwanted pimples, look for a product that contains salicylic acid, which will reduce the swelling around your blemishes.

Myth 3: You don’t need to moisturise if you have oily skin

Truth: Just because you have oily skin, doesn’t mean you should avoid moisturiser. After all, most cleansers strip away your skin’s natural oils, leaving it in need of an additional layer of protection. Nowadays, there’s a moisturiser for every skin type, from oily to sensitive. So if you struggle with oily skin, why not try a balancing cream like our Matte Oil-Control Day Cream.

Myth 4: Your skincare will stop working after a while

Truth: Although it may feel like your skin has got used to your age-old skincare faves, it’s pretty unlikely. The truth is, your skin has probably changed. Whether that’s through hormones, a change in diet or just your age, you need to adapt your skincare routine to the changes your skin goes through.

Myth 5: You can skip sunscreen if it’s not sunny

Truth: Just because it’s not a bright and sunny day, doesn’t mean you’re safe from sun damage. Even on cold and cloudy days, the sun’s rays can sneak through. To keep you safe, we’d always recommend using either a moisturiser with SPF or a light sunscreen.

Got any of your own skincare myths to debunk? Why not share them with us on social media using the hashtag #AvonByMe.